Introduction to Critical Thinking
The world and society are in constant transformations, making important changes in society participating in different ambits, participating in debates, expressing opinions, and becoming critics in areas such as politics, economics, education, sports, social, cultural, professional, and educational ambits. Critical Thinking is an important part of the actions and/or participation mentioned before, but:
- · What is Critical Thinking?
- · Why is important Critical Thinking?
- · How can be recognized Critical Thinking?
- · How is managed the Critical Thinking?
- · Where can be applied Critical Thinking?
Those questions are only a few aspects that will be studied in this course, where you are going to start a new and interesting path through the Critical Thinking world.
Unit 1 Critical Thinking Origin and Skills
Critical Thinking has been developed for a long time, but it was not until recent years that Critical Thinking has been taken into consideration, studies, and reviews by different authors, philosophers, and specialists demonstrate the importance of Critical Thinking and the direction that has in present and it will have in the future. Also, it will be possible to study and know some of the skills that are part of Critical Thinking and are present in all the ambits and activities of life.
Unit 2 Critical Thinking
Define Critical Thinking can result in simple or complex according to how is presented and understood, and from which point of view is observed, and reviewed, many definitions exist to explain the meaning and significance of Critical Thinking, but also other aspects are necessary to understand, comprehend Critical Thinking today, in this unit it will be reviewed some of those aspects.
Unit 3 Critical Thinking Objectives
Critical Thinking has a series of objectives that are focused on producing a change, and impact in life and in the different ambits/areas of life not only individually but also to generate a transformation in the World and which results can surpass challenges and maintain in time.
Unit 4 Ambits of Application of Critical Thinking
For long time Critical Thinking has been considered as a subjet that only is applied to an specific area as in life, and in occassion for social activities, inwhich through time has been demonstrated by philosophers, authors and specialist has proles what Sorate and other philosophers said, about the application of Critical Thinking in different areas and/or ambits.
Unit 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Critical Thinking
Even when Critical Thinking has demonstrated this capacity of change, adapatation, produce transformation and change in the different ambits and/or area odf application it als do not escape to be subject of advantages and disadvantgaes whic is capable to generate positive and negative consequences/resul to when Critical Thinking is applied.
Unit 6 Critical Thinking Strategies
Critical Thinking produce numerous results postive and/or negative, in different areas or ambits, but also in situations that can be unexpected due the carharateristics of the sitution and the Critical Thinking that was apply at the moment, which mke necessary to consider, and evaluate the possile strategies that can be applied in Critical Thinking.
Final Exam
In this section you will present a Final Exam where you respond a series of questions from unit one to unit six.
Good Luck!